For DeVine Law Vista - Ati Aerie-Vista LLC 2321 Fourth Street, Suite 105, Atlanta, GA 30084 Tel: 678-481-6436 - Fax: 678.261.1880 e-mail: VISTA CUSTOMER APPLICATION Choose a Fee: [ ]$580/single [ ]$680/couple [ ]Other amount:$________ (Make check/money order payable to: “Michael DeVine” OR make payment via Debit/Credit card at OR send payment via PayPal at the e-mail address shown above.) Name(s): _______________________________/Spouse:______________________________ Phone number:___________________________________________________________ E-mail address:_________________________________________________________ Mailing address:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Date(s) of Birth:______________________/________________________________ Social Security No.(s):_______________________/_________________________ TERMS, CONDITIONS AND MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: VISTA CREDIT CHALLENGE AGREES TO PERFORM CREDIT CHALLENGES FOR UP TO SIX MONTHS ON BEHALF OF THE CUSTOMER-CLIENT, WITH EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN AND TRANS UNION, PURSUANT TO THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT (15 U.S.C. 1681), OF ALL UNVERIFIED INFORMATION APPEARING IN THE CUSTOMER'S CREDIT HISTORY.  VISTA CREDIT CHALLENGE GUARANTEES AND AGREES TO REFUND ANY AND ALL PAYMENTS MADE BY THE CUSTOMER FOR NON-DISCOUNTED SERVICES SHOULD VISTA CREDIT CHALLENGE BE UNABLE TO SECURE THE DELETION OF UNVERIFIED, INACCURATE, INCOMPLETE OR OBSOLETE INFORMATION APPEARING IN THE CUSTOMER'S CREDIT HISTORY AS REPORTED BY THE CREDIT BUREAUS. WE CAN MAKE NO GUARANTEE CONCERNING IMPROVEMENT OF THE CUSTOMER'S CREDIT HISTORY OR SCORE AS PER FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS AND SINCE NEW DEROGATORY ITEMS NOT REPORTED IN THE CREDIT HISTORY AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF VISTA CREDIT CHALLENGE’S SERVICES MAY APPEAR SUBSEQUENT THERETO. VISTA CREDIT CHALLENGE DOES NOT PERFORM CREDIT CHALLENGES WITH RESPECT TO THE EXTENSION OF CREDIT BY OTHERS AND IS NOT A CREDIT REPAIR COMPANY AS DEFINED BY FEDERAL LAW. ________________________________________________________________________ I AGREE TO THE ABOVE STATED TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT: X_____________________________________________ DATE _______________ SIGNATURE X_____________________________________________ DATE _______________ SPOUSE SIGNATURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATE OF ___________________________/ COUNTY OF ________________________ / LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY Personally appeared before WITNESS, the undersigned hereby grants a Limited Power of Attorney to Mike DeVine, ATI Aerie-Vista LLC and for the limited purposes of communicating on my behalf with: 1) the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian and Trans Union)including but not limited to signing my name to letters; 2) my creditors as listed on credit reports and collection letters, including but not limited to signing my name to letters; and 3) such other persons, businesses, courts or other entities as required. SIGNATURE OF CLIENT: __________________________________________ (PRINT CLIENT NAME): ___________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF WITNESS: ________________________________________ (PRINT WITNESS NAME): _________________________________________ /Printed from